The Struggle || Why We Put On The Armor of God
Sunday, January 24, 2021 — Worship@Home resources for FirstPres Hayward
As our congregation has made the decision to move to a digital online format for our Sunday Family Gathering due to COVID-19, FirstPresKids is here to provide resources that can help you create your own at-home family worship experience or supplement the one that will be streamed on Sunday mornings, 10PST from FirstPres Hayward.
NOTE: You can also go to the FPK YouTube Channel to view most (not all) of these materials on this week’s FirstPresKids YouTube Playlist.
Scriptural Focus: This week FPK Grownups will focus on one of FPCH’s top priorities (see bottom of this post): “The Struggle — Continue the struggle to become a multi-cultural anti-racist faith community.” FPKs will explore the same foundational scripture (Ephesians 6:12) and what it means to struggle not against people but against rulers, authorities and power — to create systemic change against systemic evil.
Lesson Objective: consider what power is, its different forms, where it comes from, who has it, when it is good, when it is bad
Parent/Caregiver Resources:
- “Brené Brown’s Advice on Raising Courageous Kids” (blog)
- “Raising Caring, Courageous Kids” (intro video to the playlist “Raising Caring Courageous Kids”)
Opening or Closing Prayer: Dear God, We know that there is good and bad in this world. Everything good comes from you. Help us to love you, to love other, to love you by loving others (!) as we bring more of your goodness to earth. We know it can be scary to fight evil with goodness, but remind us that you are with us always, that you give us everything we need to use our Godly power to fight against the evil powers that do harm to our earth, to our neighbors, to each other, to your children. Help us to not live in fear, to put on your “armor”, to step out and to be brave in our words, our actions, in order to bring your vision of peace and justice to earth for your whole creation! Amen.
Scripture: Ephesians 6:12
Videos for Kids:
- “How to understand power” (first 3:10 for kids, keep going if you’re an adult!)
Discussion Questions:
- What is power? What are types of power?
- Is power good or bad? When is power good or bad?
- What kind of power do you think God likes? Doesn’t like?
- What is the Armor of God? Is it real metal armor? Should it be used to injure others?
- How can you use the power that God gives you (your “Armor of God”) to fight bad or unjust power?
- What does it mean to have courage? To “speak truth to power”?
- “Ta Da!” Failure Game — don’t let fear (of failure) keep you from enjoying, living and being brave!
- Using our power for good: Come With Me by Holly M. McGhee and Pascal Lamaitre
- Speaking truth to power: The Day The Crayons Quit by Drew Dewalt and Oliver Jeffers
FPCH 2021 Priorities
- January 17th — Matthew 28:16–20 — “The Work”
“Continue to become a faith community that takes the work of discipleship seriously and makes it central to our life together with a focus on faithfulness and obedience to Jesus” - January 24th — Ephesians 6:12 — “The Struggle”
“Continue the struggle to become a multi-cultural anti-racist faith community” - January 31st — Amos 5:14–15 — “The Story”
“Create shareable, powerful, impactful content on a regular basis. Create a prophetic imagination and a movement of “shalom” with our content - February 7th — John 13:12–17 — “The Knee”
2021 Priority “Continue to create a faith family culture of service to one another and our community. - February 14th — Matthew 25:31–42 — “The House”
2021 Priority “Provide good humanizing housing for those in need within our community”