How Much Is Enough? || Exodus 16

First Pres Kids Hayward
3 min readSep 18, 2020

Sunday, September 20, 2020 — Worship@Home resources for FirstPres Hayward

As our congregation has made the decision to move to a digital online format for our Sunday Family Gathering due to COVID-19, FirstPresKids is here to provide resources that can help you create your own at-home family worship experience or supplement the one that will be streamed on Sunday mornings, 10PST from FirstPres Hayward.

NOTE: You can also go to the FPK YouTube Channel to view most (not all) of these materials on this week’s FirstPresKids YouTube Playlist.

a colorful pile of market/commercial food waste including greens, seafood and orange scraps
(a colorful pile of market/commercial food waste including greens, seafood and orange scraps, source)

Scriptural Focus: the story of the Exodus of the Israelites, their hunger, God’s provision of manna and God’s command to take only what was needed

Lesson Objective: to think about our consumption practices and values; to think about how our society (the empire we live in) encourages us to consume the most and compete to be the best; to think about what we can do to counter-act empirical thinking — take less, give more, understand equity

Parent/Caregiver Resources:

Opening or Closing Prayer: Dear God, Help us tor remember that all good things come from you, that you created a world that could and should provide for all, and that it all belongs to you. Help us when we are tempted to believe the things we hear about owning and getting, more and more. Help us to stop being like the Israelites and to start following your commands to take only what we need from the earth, from store, from each other. Because when we do, we know that there will be enough for all of your children. Amen.


Videos for Kids:

  • Story of Stuff: Loop Scoops Videos — short, topical videos produced by Story of Stuff and PBS; “Happiness” addresses our wasteful attachment to things/consumerism (below)

Discussion Questions:

  • Why do you think the Israelites took more than they needed?
  • Why do people or companies today take more than they need?
  • Do you think you could live with less? Can you think of one way you and/or your family could start to live with less?
  • Why do you think some people in our society have more and some have less? What do you think God and Jesus think about that?
  • If God did not want the Israelites to hoard and wanted them to take only what they need, is that equality or equity? Do you think everyone took the same amount? (Does an elephant eat as much as a rabbit?)


  • “Catch the Quail” — follow directions on this site or make your own quail out of a balls or balloons. Play a catch, keep-away or relay game with your quail!
brown balloon, inflated and decorated with black marker and paper plate wings to look like a bird
(photo of a brown balloon, inflated and decorated with black marker and paper plate wings to look like a bird, titled: Catch The Quail Balloon Game, watermarked:, source)


  • Make a modern day version of manna!
  • Make a basket out of recycled materials to remind you to buy and consume only what you need:

Books: libraries are closed and you may not have time to order books, but check out the lists below and often a quick internet search will turn up a video version of many picture books. Or see below for my quick picks that you can “read” online!



First Pres Kids Hayward

Written by Lauren Gibbs-Beadle @firstpreskidshayward Children’s Ministries @firstpreshayward | educator, creative, parent | she/her