Children of God || Galatians 4:4–7

First Pres Kids Hayward
3 min readDec 23, 2020


Sunday, December 27, 2020 — Worship@Home resources for FirstPres Hayward

As our congregation has made the decision to move to a digital online format for our Sunday Family Gathering due to COVID-19, FirstPresKids is here to provide resources that can help you create your own at-home family worship experience or supplement the one that will be streamed on Sunday mornings, 10PST from FirstPres Hayward.

NOTE: You can also go to the FPK YouTube Channel to view most (not all) of these materials on this week’s FirstPresKids YouTube Playlist.

Mural on a brick wall of a smiling Madonna with a hummingbird perched on her finger
Unidentified. Madonna with Hummingbirds, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved December 22, 2020]. Original source:

Scriptural Focus: in the birth of Jesus to Mary, God sent God’s child to earth to live among us as a sibling — and so, we now no longer need to be slaves to a master, to kings, society, to old ways, instead we are all Children of God living a free, new life

Lesson Objective: to think about what “old ways” or worldly systems we are tied to, that Jesus and God have freed us from (consumerism, greed, fear of not having enough); to remember and feel that we are beloved Children of God (no matter what!)

Parent/Caregiver Resources:

  • Think this week about what we are tied to, what Jesus frees us from in our context. Consumerism is one among many many!

Opening or Closing Prayer: Dear God, When Jesus was born, he became our earthly sibling. He was your way of showing us how much you love us. And that we are your children too. Thank you God for being our creator, our mother, our father, for giving us life, for adopting us, for taking care of us. We are your children, your family. Help us to to be family to each other. Help us to love each other as you love us. Help us to see in each other and in ourselves, the precious, beloved, highly-favored children that you created and see in us. Give us comfort that we don’t need more, don’t need to be or do more for you to love us. Thank you for loving us no matter what. Amen.

Scripture: Galatians 4:4–7

Videos for Kids:

Discussion Questions:

  • Do you know that God loves you no matter what? Do you feel that God loves you no matter what?
  • What does it mean to be a Child of God?
  • What is unconditional love?
  • When we feel fully loved by God, we don’t have to get our feeling of worth (self-esteem) from things — tell about something that makes you feel valuable or worthy (maybe: awards, grades, new clothes, a nice car, a big house, latest video game, etc.). What do you think God thinks about those things and about you?


  • Create a “Crossy Road” obstacle course. If you don’t make it, guess what? You get to start again. No matter what! Just like God’s love for you! No matter what!


  • Use this guided art activity to draw what you think others see/love about you from the outside and who you really are on the inside (what God sees/loves about you)




First Pres Kids Hayward

Written by Lauren Gibbs-Beadle @firstpreskidshayward Children’s Ministries @firstpreshayward | educator, creative, parent | she/her