BECOME || picture of a disciple — The Great Commission, Jesus’ Mic Drop

First Pres Kids Hayward
3 min readAug 29, 2020

Sunday, August 30 — Worship@Home resources for FirstPres Hayward’s BECOME || picture of a disciple series

As our congregation has made the decision to move to a digital online format for our Sunday Family Gathering due to COVID-19, FirstPresKids is here to provide resources that can help you create your own at-home family worship experience or supplement the one that will be streamed on Sunday mornings, 10PST from FirstPres Hayward.

NOTE: You can also go to the FPK YouTube Channel to view most (not all) of these materials on this week’s FirstPresKids YouTube Playlist.

black and white line drawn illustration of Jesus on a mound, hands raised, surrounded by a crowd of eleven people, smiling an
(black and white line drawn illustration of Jesus on a mound, hands raised, surrounded by a crowd of eleven people, smiling and attentive, source)

Scriptural Focus: learn the meaning of Jesus’ last words and identify what is necessary to follow Jesus’ Commission

Lesson Objective: to understand the term “intersectionality” and gain awareness of the ways in which various identities/groups experience oppression at the margins, where Jesus ministered

Parent/Caregiver Resources:

Opening or Closing Prayer: Dear God, The world, the Bible, they are filled with so many words, stories, rules. We know that everything that is good comes from you, but it’s easy to become overwhelmed by it all. Help us to know and focus on what matters most to you. Help us to follow Jesus’s last words, his last challenge to us — to follow his commands, to follow his ways, to be the hands and feet of Christ on earth so that people will witness your love. Help us to remember that we are disciples and to choose to walk in Jesus’ path everyday, living out the greatest commandment to love God and love others. Amen.


  • Matthew 28:18–20

Videos for Kids:

Discussion Questions:

  • What is one part of Jesus’ last words that stood out to you?
  • When Jesus says to obey all of his commands, what do you think he’s talking about?
  • Do you recall any stories Jesus told or things he taught that tell us what we are supposed to do as his followers?
  • Out of all the rules and laws, what did Jesus say is the most important.
  • Jesus actually says that there is only one greatest commandment: loving God and loving others. But, that sounds like two laws. Why do you think Jesus only considers these commands to be one law?
  • What are the intersections of your identity?
  • How does being aware of people’s (intersectional) identities help us understand the work that Jesus did?
  • Who Jesus serve? Who would Jesus be hanging out with today?



  • Think about the two-in-one greatest commandment as you create a two-in-one image thaumatrope using paper circles and either a straw/stick or rubber bands/string

Books: libraries are closed and you may not have time to order books, but check out the lists below and often a quick internet search will turn up a video version of many picture books. Or see below for my quick picks that you can “read” online!



First Pres Kids Hayward

Written by Lauren Gibbs-Beadle @firstpreskidshayward Children’s Ministries @firstpreshayward | educator, creative, parent | she/her