BECOME || picture of a disciple: Daniel, Serving God’s World Only

First Pres Kids Hayward
3 min readJun 29, 2020

Sunday, July 5 — Worship@Home resources for FirstPres Hayward’s BECOME || picture of a disciple series

As our congregation has made the decision to move to a digital online format for our Sunday Family Gathering due to COVID-19, FirstPresKids is here to provide resources that can help you create your own at-home family worship experience or supplement the one that will be streamed on Sunday mornings, 10PST from FirstPres Hayward.

NOTE: You can also go to the FPK YouTube Channel to view most (not all) of these materials on this week’s FirstPresKids YouTube Playlist.

mosaic of a lion
(mosaic of a lion, source)

Scriptural Focus: the Book/story of Daniel and his continual commitment to serve God’s world only— even in the palace, even in the face of the King, even going up against the entire ways of the kingdom of Babylon

Lesson Objective: to become familiar with the story of Daniel and his commitment to God, not to Empire; to understand nationalism (loyalty to a nation/empire first); why it is a problem (nationalism serves the empire first — and ignores God’s kingdom); and how to combat it (fight against empires that exclude; instead serve and protect the children of God)

Opening or Closing Prayer: Dear God, We know that you want our whole hearts and minds focused on you. Focused on your vision of justice and well-being for your children on earth. Help us to be loyal to you, like Daniel was — not to our country or any specific leader or idea that does not come from you. Help us to protect your children, your people, against powerful empires — like governments, businesses, racism— empires that put their needs first instead of the needs of your people. Forgive us when we stray from your vision and start to follow in step with dangerous empires. Please put us back on your path. Amen.


Discussion Questions:

  • What does it mean when you are loyal? What does it mean when you are faithful?
  • Daniel was fighting against the empire of Babylon. If he were alive today, who or what would he be fighting against?
  • Daniel served God first. What does serving God first look like today? For you?

Parent/Caregiver Resources:

Videos for Kids:



folded paper “fortune teller” with the face of a lion
(folded paper “fortune teller” with the face of a lion, source)

Books: libraries are closed and you may not have time to order books, but check out the lists below and often a quick internet search will turn up a video version of many picture books. Or scroll down for my quick picks that you can “read” online!



First Pres Kids Hayward

Written by Lauren Gibbs-Beadle @firstpreskidshayward Children’s Ministries @firstpreshayward | educator, creative, parent | she/her